Ahtziri Sanchez – Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer – Hello! My name is Ahtziri (“at-see-ree”), but I prefer to go by Ziri. Exercising has been my favorite tool to use when I need my “me” time for several years and discovered my interest for teaching others how to adapt to the gym while I was working at my campus gym in college. I have been a certified personal trainer since 2022 and have my Bachelor Degree in Kinesiology. I am passionate of helping those who are new to the gym, or may have taken a break, become confident and develop new skills to reach their health and fitness goals. I have also spent the last three years working in physical therapy settings as an Aide, and have learned several therapeutic exercises and stretches that could help my clients improve their form and manage any muscle tension whenever needed. I am committed to working with my clients carefully every step of the way, no matter what stage of their fitness journey that they are on.If you are interested in losing weight, improving your confidence in the gym, or learning to use exercise as your tool for mental health management, then reach out to me to get started ono achieving those goals :). I am so excited to meet you and help you make the gym your happy place!

Alisa Rodela – Lifestyle Fitness Trainer

Personal trainer Alisa Rodela holds her Bachelors Degree in Dance from Hunter College, NYC. Bridging dance and fitness she has successfully created a community of well rounded fitness enthusiasts.

Alisa offers a wide variety of ways to sweat and earn your fitness goals. She specializes in weight loss, pre & post baby, strength and conditioning, toning (replacing fat with muscle), and dance classes (group or private). 

Currently accepting new clients and offering a summer promo! Contact Alisa to inquire, Rhythmfitllc@gmail.com. 

Amris Carrillo – Personal Mentor and Coach

Hi guys! Amris here. A new trainer to self made chino hills. My fitness journey started in 2007, when my dad passed away suddenly from Cancer. Since then I have been passionate about health and fitness.
I was vegetarian for 4 years but became vegan once he passed and I started studying deep in health and fitness. Whether it’s a raw food diet, vegetarian, plant based/vegan, to pescatarian/carnivore diets I can help you reach your nutrition goals. To me, it’s starts with nutrition first and the weights come second. Not only will I push and motivate you to bring forth the best version of yourself, I will help you make it happen, every training session. I not only want to make you physically strong, but mentally as well. Think of me, Not only as your personal trainer, but your personal mentor and life coach as well. Whether you want to build muscle, drop weight/body fat, or just maintain for Healthier you, I can help you reach your desired Goals. Let’s get to work!

Anna Rivers – Strength and Conditioning Trainer

Strength and Conditioning Trainer –

I am a fitness enthusiast turned fitness professional as a NASM certified personal coach. While I was never athletic as a child or teen, once I turned 18, I discovered the gym. This is when my love of fitness began. Throughout the years my workouts took on different forms depending on my stage of life. Whether it was during the college years, marriage, motherhood, and even during my career as a social worker, my fitness and health has always been a priority. In my 40’s I decided to make it official and started my career in fitness. Now that I’m 50, it is even more important to continue on this fitness journey I am on. If you are in your mid-life years, you know what I mean. I love helping my clients of all ages with their fitness goals because I have been there. My experience has led me to not only coach 1:1 but also to a wider audience through group fitness classes. I have instructed an array of different formats throughout my career, including aqua fitness, barre, Les Mills BodyPump, HIIT, Silver Sneakers, and Core. When I am not clients or teaching classes, I stay active by hiking, snowboarding and sometimes a nice run with either my husband or one of my 3 kids. Faith, Family and Fitness is how I try to live my life to the fullest.

Cyn Escareno – Women’s Fitness & Strength Trainer

Cyn Escareno – Women’s Fitness & Strength Trainer – I’m Cyn, a certified Women’s Fitness Specialist dedicated to empowering women to cultivate strength and confidence, both physically and mentally, through fitness and a healthy lifestyle. My guiding principles are authenticity, simplicity, and femininity, encapsulated in the motto “To be strong inside out.” Over the past few years, I have had the privilege of working with over 100 women, both in-person and online, to help them achieve their fitness goals and unleash their inner strength.

Cynthia Romero – Lifestyle and Body Building

They say age is just a number and here I am living proof that you can reach your fitness goals at any age!

Hi I’m Cynthia and I’ve had a passion for fitness ever since I first started my journey more than 10 years ago. I fell in love with getting stronger and realized I wanted to challenge myself by doing a bikini contest and the rest is history! From being a cardio bunny in the beginning to learning how to lift weights, I can proudly say I’ve done four bikini contests as a masters competitor in the past four years.

Throughout  that time, my passion for fitness grew and I knew I wanted to help others like me gain more confidence in the gym and invest in their future well being just like I did. You see, I understand what happens to your body as you age and am proof that getting older doesn’t mean you have to give up on your fitness goals or journey. I would love to inspire you and teach you how to not only gain more confidence but also create a strong and capable body that’ll help you no matter your age is or what stage you are at in life! I’m on a mission to age gracefully and would love to guide you on your own journey, too!

DESIREE BOURNE – Personal Trainer

My fitness journey started because I developed Auto Immune issues at an early adult age.
Weight gain and loss- losing 100lbs back and forth has been a lot on my body and mental health.
I know the struggle, and I know accountability, discipline and kindness is what’s needed to succeed.
Competing in my first Body Building Wellness Competition at age 34 and placing 1st- the peak of my fitness journey- made me want to help others.
I am also a certified Yoga and Meditation Instructor, with holistic spiritual practices. I like to help connect the Mind, Body and Spirit.

Grace Chen – Certified Personal Trainer

Hi! My name is Grace. I started my fitness journey in 2014 not having a clue what I was doing but I had the desire to change. I started at 90 lbs and always struggled to gain weight and build some glutes. After years of trial and error, I’m now 35 lbs up and couldn’t be happier. Fitness has changed my life not just physically but mentally as well. Nothing can replace the satisfaction of physically and mentally pushing yourself to do something challenging.

Because of my journey I strive to share my knowledge and experience with people who also have that same desire to change but struggle knowing what to do. I always tell my clients it’s not going to be easy but it’s going to be worth it. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. So drink you’re f*cking water.

Jackie Castillo – Booty Building, & Mind-Body Wellness

Hi! I’m Jackie Castillo, and I’m deeply passionate about fitness, wellness, self-improvement, and creating a supportive community. My fitness journey began in 2018 when I was in college, feeling lost and uncertain about my purpose. I believed that fitness held the key to confidence and clarity, and I set out on a path to discover this for myself.

When I first started, I was clueless. My workouts were simple, revolving around the treadmill and stairmaster. It was a time when women embracing weight training was becoming popular on social media. I’ll never forget the moment that changed everything for me: walking by a woman who looked amazing and radiated confidence. I thought to myself, “I want to look like that.”

With determination, I dove into weightlifting, even though my form was far from perfect. I kept pushing forward, continuously seeking ways to improve. Through trial and error, dedication, and a relentless drive to better myself, I transformed not just my body, but also my mindset. Fitness became more than just a physical activity; it became a source of empowerment and self-discovery.

Today, my mission revolves around empowering women to achieve their fitness goals and build their confidence. My specialties include weight training, enhancing those glutes, and toning the body to help you look and feel your absolute best. I understand the challenges and uncertainties that come with starting a fitness journey because I’ve been there. That’s why I’m dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support to each of my clients.

Whether you’re looking to build an hourglass figure, strengthen your body, or enhance your overall wellness, I’m here to help. Together, we’ll push boundaries, break barriers, and unlock the best version of you—both mentally and physically. Join me, and let’s start this journey to confidence and wellness together.

Jacqueline Guzman – Fitness Trainer in Chino Hills

My training specialty lies in weight training, where I tailor programs to suit individual needs, whether you’re a beginner or looking to take your fitness to the next level. I believe in the power of strength training to transform not just your body, but your confidence and overall outlook on life.As a psychology major, I understand the importance of mental health in achieving physical fitness. My approach is holistic, aiming to make you more mindful of your body and its capabilities. I work with you to create a balanced lifestyle that incorporates fitness, nutrition, and mental well-being.My mission is to empower you to take control of your health and wellness. I provide personalized training plans, nutritional guidance, and motivational support to help you build sustainable habits. Together, we’ll work on creating a lifestyle that is not only healthier but also more fulfilling

Jess Raygoza – Certified Personal Trainer

Hello, Im Jess Ray! and I’m a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist, with a bachelors in Kinesiology! I help busy individuals like you transform their lives and gain confidence in the process.

I understand that starting a weight loss journey can be difficult – so I want to ensure that everything I do is tailored to each individual’s needs. That way you can reach your goals in the most effective and enjoyable way possible.

I’ve always been passionate about health and fitness and have trained hundreds of people with outstanding results. My specialty is female fitness and nutrition, which means I have the perfect balance of knowledge to help your weight-loss aspirations become a reality.

My approach to physical fitness involves much more than just exercise. I believe in a holistic approach to health which means I help clients balanced their lives to meet their personal goals in mind, body, and spirit.

I’ve been helping people reach their goals for years, and have seen so many lives transformed and in doing so, I understand the importance of having someone to motivate and support you on your weight-loss journey.

My tailored programs combine cardio and strength training workouts, as well as nutritional advice to increase your overall health and well-being. With my support, you will learn new skills and develop the confidence to transform your lifestyle and achieve the healthy body and mind that you deserve.

I offer one-on-one virtual coaching & online groups if you’d prefer a more “social” approach. So take the first step today and contact me to start your journey!

Joseph Garcia – Personal Trainer

Hello, I’m Joseph Garcia, a fitness professional who specializes in strength training and weight loss.

I have been a fitness enthusiast for over 8 years, finding great joy and passion in helping people reach their fitness goals. After graduating college and pursuing a career in the fitness industry I decided to take my passion for fitness to the next level. Since then, I have dedicated my life to helping my clients achieve their goals using strength training and a combination of diet and lifestyle changes. With every client I work with, I strive to create an environment of support and understanding to make them feel comfortable meeting their fitness goals. I specialize in designing individualized workout sessions tailored to each person’s fitness needs and goals. Additionally, I provide education and guidance with custom diet and nutrition plans designed to help them reach the desired outcome. Through my professional expertise and experience, I strive to help my clients build an amazing body transformation — both physically and mentally. With a combination of knowledge, guidance and support, I am dedicated to helping my clients reach their goals in the most efficient way possible.

I am extremely passionate about helping my clients look and feel their best, and I strive to foster an environment of trust and respect with each person. My goal is to create a positive space where my clients feel confident in achieving their desired results safely. I’m honored to be able to use my knowledge to help those around me reach their goals, and it’s what drives me to continue learning new techniques and training methods. It’s an absolute privilege to be able to watch my clients realize their true potential, and I’m looking forward to what the future has in store. My goal is to ultimately be more than a personal trainer for the one hour session my clients see me. My goal is to be a coach in and out of the training facility to answer and guide each client with any questions they may have. I ultimately strive for each client to not only transform their bodies and mindset for a season but to maintain their results for life, hence improving their quality and quantity of life.


Joseph Sena – Personal Trainer in Chino Hills

Joseph Sena – Personal Trainer in Chino Hills –

What’s up!My name is Joseph Sena. I’ve been serving the West Covina and now Diamond Bar/Chino Hills area as a Master Personal Trainer for over 14 years. I absolutely love my career in fitness as helping others achieve their specific fitness goals is the most rewarding and fulfilling “job” I could imagine. This experience allows me to quickly assist my clients in identifying their specific fitness goals and efficiently design a program that will get them there. My specialties are program design for movement efficiency (correcting over and under-active muscles) , body transformation (turning fat into muscle-yes its possible!), muscle gain, and fat loss. Message me at jmsena2003@yahoo.com for a free assessment so we can uncover your fitness journey together and make the fitness lifestyle part of your lifestyle.

Kalani Martinez – Nutrition Specialist and PT

Hi my name is Kalani and I am a personal trainer and nutrition specialist here in Chino Hills.

I have obtained my degree in 2021 with a bachelors degree of nursing. Therefore I have spent an extensive amount of time learning and educating myself about the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Therefore, I believe it is important to know the muscles and how to target them during our workouts. I also spent an extensive amount of time learning about the nutritional aspect of working out. It’s important to fuel your body with nutritious foods so that you are able to perform and improve your health overall.

A little bit about me: I’ve been an athlete all my life since I was a child. I’ve done all the sports, you name it and I probably have done it. Once high school ended I realized that I missed the opportunity to workout so I started to get personal training and it has changed my life. I want to be able to give that opportunity back to others and help them stay accountable and motivated.

Yes, I want my girls to look amazing and get the confidence that they deserve. But I also want to make sure you are healthy internally also. I’m here to help others and to give the knowledge I have received so that I am able to make a difference in someone else’s life.

Check out my Instagram page and feel free to direct message me if you have any questions! I look forward to meeting you.

Kalie Welch – Certified Personal Trainer

Certified Personal Trainer – Hey guys I’m Kalie! I am a Certified Personal Trainer and currently in the process of becoming a Certified Nutrition Coach as well. I specialize in strength training as well as HIIT training, focusing on building the basics and practicing correct form to increase results and decrease the risk of injury, focusing on helping clients develop healthy habits and build a healthy lifestyle. I began my fitness journey back in 2018 after battling with body image and self esteem struggles my whole life, longing to make a change in my lifestyle and body. Little did I know then that fitness would become my biggest passion and I would come to combine fitness and helping others into a career! When I made nutrition and fitness a priority in my life, I watched myself change and grow into a much happier and healthier person both physically and mentally! I finally learned to believe in myself and gained the confidence in my body and self that I had always wished for! My mission is to encourage and support others at all levels as they begin and progress through their fitness journey and help them build a healthy lifestyle helping them transform not only their bodies but their self esteem and watch their confidence grow in and outside of the gym! If you’re looking for someone who is extremely positive and upbeat to give you their all in your journey, pushing you past your self-perceived limits while also being your biggest cheerleader and supporter, I’m your girl!!!!

What is your Training Specialty?
Woman’s fitness

Krystel Bell – Lifestyle Training for Busy Moms

Krystel Bell – Lifestyle Training for Busy Moms – Hey Mama! Are you looking for your community? I’m KBell , a mental health and wellness coach, and an ISSA personal trainer at Self Made Training Facility in Chino Hills. It feels so good to be back home! I’ve lived here my whole life, and now I’m ready to connect with all my Mama friends in the community.

I offer one-on-one coaching, mommy and me classes, couples trainings, group fitness, senior fitness and my favorite, the women’s challenges! I’m super excited to be working back in the hills with you beautiful Mamas! So who’s ready to look good, feel good and do good by making ourselves a priority again ?!?

Let’s freaking go!!

I understand the importance of prioritizing yourself and your mental health, especially when it feels like you’re running in circles and getting nowhere. I am here to help you look good, feel good, and do good with 30 days of prosperity, designed to help moms thrive. Join me in this wonderful community of moms who support each other and set an example for their kids’ future.

Prioritize yourself and your mental health today, for a brighter tomorrow.

Let’s connect and set up a time for a complimentary consultation so we can discuss your goals and what you are hoping to gain during your time with me.

Leslie Chavira – Personal Trainer in Chino Hills

Hey there! My name is Leslie Karelly, you can call me either. I want to share with you how I began my fitness journey back in 2015. We all have that one memorable event that inspired us to make changes and be better whether that is physically or emotionally. So here is mine. My, “Aha!” moment was during a summer trip to Las Vegas. While walking around the city, my thighs chafed soooo much causing my skin to bleed. I felt so embarrassed and it was at that moment I knew I had to do something for myself. Like many others starting out in the fitness world; I felt intimidated by the gym equipment and felt lost when it came to creating an exercise routine for myself. As a result of this insecurity, I would strictly do online workouts at home or, if I managed to go to the gym, I would do group workouts where I could easily hide in the back so no one could see me.
With time, determination, and whatever courage I was able to muster throughout my journey, I slowly gained confidence and began to see results. My passion and dedication for fitness grew and that is what has brought me here to be your personal trainer. As an engineer and a mom of 1, I will be the first to tell you that starting a fitness journey is difficult but I hope that with my encouragement and advice you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Together we can customize workouts, meals, and other goals you may have in living a healthier lifestyle.

Whether it’s your first time ever stepping inside the gym, you need help understanding equipment, or you just need a gym friend for extra motivation, I’m your girl!

Lydia Paneda

Hi! My name is Lydia and I have been on my journey with health and fitness since 2018 . I have gained so much knowledge on weight loss, nutrition, muscle gain and much more . I fell in love with what fitness did for me not only physically but also mentally! One of my main Goals as a fitness coach is to help my clients push past their limits and to unlock their unlimited potential so that they may apply that not only in the Gym ,but in other areas of their life. I have a great passion for what I do and I’m constantly learning and looking for ways to provide my clients with the highest level of value! I look forward to connecting with you and helping you reach your goals.

Marissa Almendarez – Personal Trainer

Working out was my happy place before I decided to start my career in the fitness industry. In 2011 I started personal training to help others make it theirs too. After working with so many different people at different phases in their lives, it really drove home the fact that healthy living has a lot of competition. Often the thing we can’t seem to find is balance.

I really wanted to move beyond just a workout and diet plan and use my personal experience to show how to live healthy and make sustainable changes to accomplish goals. Fitness is for life as long as you keep moving. I hope to keep doing so and help as many people as I can along the way.

In 2015, I cofounded an event, Climb for a Cure, that helped raise funds for stage iv metastatic breast cancer. This event later turned into a nonprofit, Make Good Moves. From 2015-2021 we were able to raise $100,000 and donate that towards research, awareness for stage iv MBC and provide assistance for patients and their families.

In 2019 I helped open up Self Made West Covina and in 2021 I took over partial ownership of Self Made Chino Hills in 2021.
Within those two locations I help run a team of close to 100 trainers. I mentor them to step out of the big box gyms and become successful entrepreneurs.

In 2022, I became a mom and attribute my healthy pregnancy and recovery to the lifestyle I have created since 2011. As an entrepreneur my titles have changed but my mission has not, helping others through health and fitness. I currently still work with a limited personal training clientele and co-host my own podcast and social events through, The Mixtape Talks Podcast.

Melody Soto – Certified Personal Trainer

Certified Personal Trainer – Hey! I’m Melody Soto! And I’m a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, with background in athletic training. I help women understand their body, mind, & soul through fitness! Throughout my fitness journey I have realized that countless women including myself struggle with feeling confident and sexy in their own skin. This is very common whether it has to do with weight loss, gaining healthy muscle mass, or understanding nutrition. Before I became a personal trainer, I absolutely hated my body and everything about myself. I used to starve myself to fit in with friends and not eat in public because I was embarrassed someone would judge me. After years of neglecting my body I decided to make a change by focusing all my energy on bringing the life back into myself. I became a personal trainer to show women that the gym is a judgement free zone where you can work on yourself and become the most beautiful, authentic, and proud woman you’re meant to be.My approach to fitness is very different compared to others. I personally love to focus on your own nutritional balance and understanding your own body. I like to take the time to rebuild your metabolism as well as teaching you how to properly track/ calculate your foods. Everyone’s body is completely different and responds differently to certain foods, with this knowledge I help you understand your body type and what we can change to achieve your goals. I like to say that “ 80% of what we’re doing relies on nutrition, the other 20% is the fun part (working out)”. With the proper balance of food and workouts throughout the week you can overcome anything.I tailor all of my programs whether In person or online to YOUR specific goals. I include weight training, HIIT, combine with cardio to increase overall health and wellness. With my support, you will learn new technique, skills, and ways to improve your metabolism throughout this process. If you’re a full time student, mother, nurse or business owner I can teach you how to effectively manage your time and achieve those goals you’ve always wanted.If you’re ready to make the change, I’m here for you in every way shape and form! Let me help you embrace the new healthy version of yourself. I’m looking forward to meeting you and helping you through this new journey in life!

Mia Avila – Personal Trainer in Chino Hills

Personal Trainer in Chino Hills – Hi, I am Mia and I am a certified personal trainer with over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. For the past several years, I have been helping women of all ages achieve their fitness goals through nutrition, weight training, and lifestyle changes. I specialize in helping women with their body sculpting, weight loss, and post-pregnancy fitness needs. As a mom of two, I understand the challenges of taking care of your family while also striving to reach your fitness goals. That’s why I strive to make my training accessible to moms of all ages. My training style is a combination of high-intensity workouts, nutrition guidance, and educational advice tailored to each individual client. The goal of my program is not only to help you reach your fitness goals, but also to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to maintain them. I focus on building strength, improving flexibility and overall fitness levels, and helping you achieve your fitness goals in a way that is sustainable for you for the long term. I don’t believe in short-term fixes or crash dieting. My goal is to educate each client on the importance of making small but consistent changes to their lifestyle over time. My passion revolves around helping women find balance in their lives while also providing them with the support they need to reach and maintain their health and wellness goals. Whether you are looking to lose weight, tone up, learn new exercises, or just need support on your journey to better health and wellness, I am here to help. If you are ready to get started on your journey to becoming fit and healthy, contact me and let’s get started.

Find a Personal Trainer in Chino Hills

Michelle Ybarra – Personal Trainer in Chino Hills

Michelle Ybarra – Personal Trainer in Chino Hills –

Hi! My names Michelle! I started my fitness journey a couple years back after my having my son. I gained more weight after having him and couldn’t take looking at myself in the mirror. I managed to lose 50 pounds in 4 months but still kept the weight I wanted in certain areas of my body. Fitness transformed my life, I grew a passion and love for working on my body. I learned what it takes to stay consistent and disciplined, and I’m passionate about helping you find the same spark as I did. I believe in a holistic approach to fitness that encompasses both physical and mental well-being. My workouts are designed to be challenging yet enjoyable, blending various training styles to keep things exciting. Together we’ll not only transform your body, but also cultivate a sustainable healthy lifestyle.Whether you’re a new mom or seeking a positive change I’m here for you! Let’s create a personalized plan that fits seamlessly into your life, making health and fitness a joyful part of your routine.

Summer Hayes – ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer  – Hi I’m Crystal but my friends and clients call me Summer (middle name). So a little background…After much time working in the nightlife and hitting rock bottom in what seemed in all aspects of life, I discovered my true calling in fitness and later in bodybuilding. This journey ignited a passion for competing, leading me to become the first American wellness competitor to compete in the division,and eventually,becoming an IFBB Pro. I have over 8 years of experience, training and learning under some of the best coaches in the sport and industry. I’ve dedicated myself to helping clients achieve diverse goals – from weight loss and strength training to creating personalized meal plans and coaching in bodybuilding and lifestyle transformations. I also specialize in glute building as one of my services I’m sought after. Unlike a lot of athletes and trainers, I didn’t
Come from a long history of athletics,
I discovered fitness as an outlet from a lifestyle that was not serving me. I know what it feels like to be new to the gym, to not feel good enough, dealing with negative self talk… but I’ve built the confidence along the way to take my mind and body past my limiting beliefs. My approach goes beyond elevating physiques; it’s about enhancing mental well-being and building self-confidence, helping clients thrive both in body and mind.